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Tips to improve colloboration of remote teams to increase productivity


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Collaboration between teams is becoming the norm in today’s software development world. This is the norm for development teams, test teams, customer support teams, and even project teams. However, this is not necessarily the norm for teams that are spread out across the world due to the distance between one another. These teams have to collaborate to a certain degree to make it work, but the challenges they face are different from those of teams that are based in the same city and work on the same product.

Remote teams have different challenges, but, in my experience, the challenges that affect productivity are the same as for any other team. Here are some tips to improve collaboration between these teams:


If you work remotely, you can either use a video chat tool or go to the video chat room for the day. I don’t think that there is a difference in the quality of the video chat rooms, so I decided to use Zoom. I just did my regular morning standup, and from there, I started to ask some team members for clarification on their work.

When someone has a question, I try to ask myself what information would be helpful to them. If I don’t understand them, I ask. If I don’t understand what it is they want, I try to understand.

After clarifying that, I ask them to explain the problem to me. I ask them what they are trying to accomplish, why they are asking for the information, and if they are satisfied with the information that I provide. After they answer my questions, I tell them that I will give them an answer.

After giving them an answer, I ask them if there is anything else that I can help them with.

If I am having a hard time with a specific task, I will ask another team member for help. If I already have an answer, I will ask them to review it and tell me if they agree with it.

In short: I asked questions to understand why someone is asking for information, after doing that, I provided an answer. I also asked questions and provided answers to other team members to make sure that I have a better understanding of the problem and I can help the team.


To increase productivity of a team, it is important to know what each team member is working on every day. For this, I prefer to share a calendar as a team so that we can know what other team members are working on. A calendar can be shared via email, Google Docs, Trello, Basecamp, or any other method that works for the team.

It is important to give a list of what each person is working on every day, so that we know who is working on what for a specific day. This lets the team know what other team members are currently working on and what are the next steps of their tasks. This also lets each team member know what project they are currently working on. If the calendar is shared, this also lets the team members know what they have to accomplish for the next day.

If you are working on a project that requires a lot of communication, you can create a new Google Doc and share it with your team. It has a calendar in it, a list of tasks, and a calendar of all the meetings that you have. This way, you can know what the team members are working on, what they need help with, and when they have a meeting.

Another way to increase productivity is to have weekly meetings with the whole team. This gives everyone a chance to go over the previous week and plan for the next week. They get a chance to provide updates on their progress, as well as to make sure that all team members understand their current tasks and what they need to accomplish the next week. It also gives the team an update on the status of the project they are working on.

For team members that are working on the same project, it is a good idea to hold a daily meeting for them. This way, everyone can check what progress is being made by their team member and how they can help them. All in all, this lets the whole team know what work they should do to have a successful week.

Communication is the key to increased productivity, so make sure to communicate frequently and frequently.


In order to have a successful project and increase productivity, it is important that a project manager be available to the team. The project manager should be available to the team when they need information, as well as to address important issues and questions.

If a team member is working on a task that requires a lot of communication, they should give the team manager a call when they have a question. In my experience, the team manager is often the first person to call and the one that can help the team member with a solution. If no one is available to help them, they should go to the team manager for assistance.

If a team member is working on a new feature, they should ask the team manager for help. They should ask for more information on the project, which they can ask the team manager for. A meeting with the team manager can help them understand the project and the team better.

If a team member is working on a bug that is very important to the project, they should discuss it with the team manager. If the issue needs fixing urgently, they should go to the team manager for help.

If a team member is having trouble with a task and has an urgent need for help, they should go to the team manager for help. If the team manager isn’t available, they should try to help themselves and find someone else to help them.

In short, the team manager should be available for the team to get help.

In order to have a successful project, you should have a good understanding of the project and a good understanding of the team. You should also have a good understanding of how to solve the problem that your team member is having. All in all, this lets the team know that you are on their side and that you are trying to help them.

Communication is a key to having a successful project, so make sure to communicate frequently and frequently.


The distance between team members is a reality, and we need to accept it. We also need to accept the fact that we will need to work with different people, especially on the team that we do not interact with very often.

As a project team, we are a group of people. This means that we all have different personalities and different backgrounds. This means that we need to be flexible in order to allow the team to grow and succeed.

Every team member will have different opinions, and that’s okay. We should respect each other’s opinions, but we shouldn’t be afraid to use our own opinions.

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