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Do these five things every day and get more done
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- Rish
- @rish1_2
Photo Credits
Photo by Kyle Glenn on Unsplash
1. Set Goals and Track Your Progress
You have to track your progress to see if you’re actually getting closer to your goal. Use an app like Lift or an old fashioned pen and paper. It doesn’t matter which one you choose, as long as you actually write down what you are supposed to be doing. I track my progress with an app called Lift because it allows me to create goals and get instant feedback on how I’m doing.
2. Prioritize Your Tasks
If you are going to be productive you have to get your priorities straight. You need to make sure that you are working on the most important tasks first. This means that if you have 2 emails to send and a phone call to make, you should be sending that email or making that phone call first. When you finish that task then you can move onto the next email or phone call.
This also applies to meetings. If you’re trying to get more done it’s best to schedule meetings for times when you have the most energy. If you schedule a meeting for when you’re exhausted, you’re just going to spend your time doing things like checking email and answering texts. Make sure you’re always setting your priorities straight.
3. Shut Off the Tech
If you want to get more done you need to shut off your tech. You want to focus 100% of your attention on what you are doing. You need to avoid distractions. Put your cell phone on airplane mode or put it on vibrate and unplug it. If you have to keep your phone close, put it on silent. Don’t do anything during your work time that is not related to your work.
4. Take Breaks
It’s important to take breaks throughout the day. If you go several hours without taking a break you will start to lose your mind to the point where you will be unable to get anything done. I set my phone to text me every hour during the day and that’s when I take a break. It’s also important to get up and move often. Even if it’s just for a few minutes break.
5. Work in Time Slices
You need to work in time slices. If you are going to be productive working on a task you need to break it up into small chunks. If you’re going to spend 2 hours working on a project, break it up into 2 hour chunks. Set a timer for 10 minutes and work on whatever you are doing. After 10 minutes you can get up and take a break before you start working on the next 10 minute chunk.
If you follow those 5 tips you’re guaranteed to get more done. They’re easy to do and will absolutely increase your productivity. Even if you do only a few of these things every day you’ll start to see a difference in your life.
Have you ever thought about why some people get more done than others? They seem to have no problems being productive and the rest of us seem to struggle from time to time. The problem is that it’s not just about how you do your work. It’s about the mindset behind it.
It’s pretty simple. When you’re in a productive mindset you do what you have to do to get things done. If you have to go to the gym everyday to get your work done, you’ll go. If you have to study for hours every night, you’ll do it. If you have to work late or get up early, you’ll find a way to do it. If you have to take a few hours off work to take care of your kids, you’ll go.
If you’re someone who is struggling to get things done, it’s time to change your mindset. You can’t change what you have to do to get things done. What you need to do is learn how to get into a productive mindset. You need to figure out a way to make yourself get things done.
If you want to get more done, it’s time to change your mindset.
Start by saying these 4 things every day.
I will do everything I can to get things done today.
I can’t do everything I want to do, so I’m going to do the things that need to be done and that lead to the other things that I want to do.
I’m in control of my life and everything I do.
I’ll make the decision how and when I’m going to get things done.
Start each day with this simple mindset and you’ll start getting more done.
It’s easy to get started. First, pick 3 things to do that are going to lead to more things being done. You want to be realistic but not too small. The goal is to make these things small enough that you can complete them within a week. For example, if you want to lose 20 pounds in a month you’ll need to get to the gym 3 times a week. If you want to write a book you’ll need to spend 20 hours a week on it.
Once you have a small task that will take less than a week to get done, write it down and make a commitment to yourself that you’ll complete that task by the end of the week. This is what is known as your “commitment contract”. The important thing is that you’ll have the commitment to yourself.
The next step is to make a list of other things that you want to do. When you list those things, make a commitment to complete them by the end of the week. Then, take out a note pad and write down your commitment contract and your other things on the pad.
This is a great way to get yourself into a mindset that will allow you to get things done.
It’s hard to get things done when we get bogged down with all the little things that need to be done. It’s even harder when we let other people get in the way of what we really need to be doing.
I’m talking about the people who want to spend all of our time with them. We don’t have time to do what we need to do, so we take care of these people instead. We let them interrupt our work to ask us questions or ask for things. We let them take up our time by spending time with them.
It’s fine to have people in your life and it’s fine to spend time with them. But if you’re not spending your time on the things that are really important, then you need to reevaluate your priorities. It’s your life, so you should be spending your time on the things that are important to you. If you aren’t doing what is important, then you’re wasting your time.
There is no right or wrong answer as to how much time you should spend on others. It’s just a matter of what is really important for you and what isn’t. As long as you’re spending your time on what really matters to you, you’re spending your time wisely.
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