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How to schedule like a Pro for calendar management
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- Rish
- @rish1_2
Photo Credits
Photo by Estée Janssens on Unsplash
This is where the rubber meets the road. Your calendar can’t do everything for you, but it can sure help you stay on track.
In this section, we’ll cover how to manage your workload by using the resources available to you.
1. Define your priorities
Priority is everything when it comes to managing a calendar. The first step to any successful schedule is understanding your priorities.
For some, time management is a simple, straightforward, and easy process. They find it easy to keep everything on track, and are able to juggle multiple tasks with ease.
For others, time management is a difficult, complicated, and often stressful process. They find it hard to stay on track, and find it difficult to prioritize, juggle multiple tasks, and manage their time.
The best part about managing your time is that you’re in control of what you put first. You can put more important tasks first, or less important tasks first.
The trick is in identifying what matters most to you. What is most important for you to accomplish each day, week, or month?
For many, priorities will be based on tasks that are more important for one reason or another. Maybe you have a big project that you’re working on, and you want to get it done before the end of the day.
Maybe you’re working on completing a set of weekly goals, and you need to make sure that you’re hitting them every week.
Maybe you have a family dinner to plan, and you need to make sure that you’re putting that first.
Maybe you have a family vacation coming up, and you need to make sure that you’re booking that trip, and finalizing your itinerary.
Maybe you’re on a budget, and you need to make sure that you’re sticking to that budget.
Whatever your priorities are, be sure to give them the proper attention they deserve.
2. Stick to your schedule
This is where many people fail. Once they’ve prioritized what’s most important to them, and given them the proper attention, people tend to drop the ball when it comes to sticking to a schedule.
They’ll start working on a task, and then get distracted by something else. They’ll spend some time browsing the internet, or watching TV, or working on a hobby. By the time they realize what they’ve done, it’s usually too late to get back on track.
There are a few things that you can do to prevent this from happening.
First, it’s important to have a routine. A routine makes it easier to stick to your plan because you’re not wasting time trying to figure out what you should be doing.
Having a routine also provides a sense of consistency. It’s easier to be consistent when you’re doing the same thing each day.
You can create a routine using the Eisenhower method, or the Pomodoro Technique. It doesn’t really matter what method you use, as long as it’s one that works for you.
Whatever you choose, make sure that it’s a routine that you can stick to.
Second, it’s important to keep your calendar in front of you at all times. You should keep an eye on it every time you find yourself doing something that doesn’t relate to your plan.
Whenever you find yourself starting to work on something you don’t need to be working on, check your calendar.
Is there something else that you need to be doing right now?
If the answer is yes, stop what you’re doing, and get going with the other task.
Third, you should never be able to schedule more than one thing at a time.
This means that you should never be able to schedule more than one time for a specific task.
If you’re working on a book report, you should never be able to schedule your next book report at the same time. You should be able to schedule the next book report at a different time, and then work on the current book report at a different time.
This makes it easier to manage. It helps you ensure that you’re working on the right thing at the right time, and it makes it easier to remember what you’re supposed to be working on.
3. Stick to the plan
Your calendar shouldn’t be something that you ignore, or forget about. The truth is that it’s the only tool that you have that will help you stick to your plan.
The trick is in sticking to your plan. If you want to be successful with time management, you need to make it a habit.
This means that you should be scheduling time for your calendar. This will help you stick to your plan, and will help you make sure that you’re getting the most out of each day.
It’s also important to have a backup plan.
What happens if you find yourself stuck working on the wrong thing?
What happens if you find yourself working on a task that doesn’t relate to your plan?
What happens if you don’t have anything to do because you’re already working on something important?
The best thing to do in these circumstances is to put more focus on the important things, and figure out what’s not important.
If you’re working on the wrong thing, stop what you’re doing, and work on the important things instead.
If you find yourself working on a task that doesn’t relate to your plan, stop what you’re doing, and put more focus on the important things instead.
If you find that you’re having trouble finding something to do, schedule something. There’s no better way to stay focused and stay on track than with something you have to do.
Final words
Calendar management is something nearly everyone struggles with at some point in their life. The trick is to develop some skills that will help you get ahead.
The best way to get ahead is to practice. The more you practice, the more you’ll learn.
The best way to learn is to get started. The best way to start is to read this guide.
Use the resources mentioned above to stay on top of your calendar management. Learn how to prioritize your tasks, and how to stick to your schedule.
Use your calendar to its fullest potential, and you’re guaranteed to get more out of each day.
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